Early Voting Sites Available This Weekend

Ten early voting polling places will be available this weekend, which is helpful for anyone who might not be able to make it to a polling place on Tuesday.

The two closest sites available to the Inglewood community are as follows:

9000 Overland Ave , Culver City (West Los Angeles College) 90230
Hours: October 27-October 28 & November 3-November 4 : 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

11737 WILMINGTON AVE , LOS ANGELES (Willowbrook Library) 90059
Hours: October 27-October 28 & November 3-November 4 : 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

For more information, visit the Los Angeles County Voting Website.

Credit: LA Vote Website (https://www.lavote.net/docs/rrcc/election-info/Weekend-Early-Voting-Flyer.pdf)